Allan Hillman, Front End Enigneer

Web development is not just my profession, it's my passion. The thrill of learning new technologies, coupled with my ability to collaborate effectively, fuels my drive to create dynamic, user-friendly web experiences.

Crafting the Web, One Line at a Time - Technical Skills

My strengths include front-end development with a focus on responsive and interactive designs. I strive to stay on top of the latest trends and advancements in web development to deliver innovative and efficient solutions. Below, you'll find a list of my core technical skills.

  • JavaScript & TypeScript. I've been able to create dynamic projects, including a Messenger Chatbot and a Spotify Music Clone. To ensure high-quality development standards, I review Pull Requests and use debugging techniques to resolve any potential code issues. Furthermore, I've expanded the functionality of my applications by integrating ChatGPT and Shopify APIs to enhance third-party capabilities.
  • React.js & Next.js. I specialize in crafting innovative and responsive designs. My expertise lies in utilizing React.js , which elevates the user interface and experience. Recently, I worked on an exciting project where I integrated Next.js and the ChatGPT API into our code base. This integration resulted in the creation of a new search feature on our website. By enabling users to retrieve relevant articles and questions based on their queries, we significantly enhanced the interactivity of the site.
  • Shopify Plus. Over the past 6 years, I've had the pleasure of working with numerous clients and building over 100 Shopify stores. One of my standout accomplishments was successfully leading a migration from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus for a client with an annual revenue of over $6 million dollars. Additionally, I've developed custom sections, snippets, themes, and pages that improve the overall user interface and experience, resulting in increased conversions.
  • Tailwind CSS. I have successfully used Tailwind to improve e-commerce performance and reduce website bounce rates by creating responsive and visually appealing pages. This has resulted in increased conversion rates and improved user experience. I have also applied my Tailwind skills to personal and client projects.

Working with amazing clients & businesses worldwide

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Projects Completed
Client Satisfaction
Technologies Used

Showcasing Innovation and Expertise

I am passionate about transforming ideas into reality by harnessing cutting-edge technology and innovative thinking. Below, you will find a curated collection of my personal projects. Through these projects, I have explored various tools, techniques, and technologies to create practical, real-world solutions.

Firebase Auth Guide

Web Project

Authentication using Firebase with Next.js

This guide outlines Firebase Authentication in a Next.js app. It employs email/password setup and error handling with React Hot Toast, resulting in secure user authentication deployed on Firebase Hosting.

Meta Messenger

Web Project

Seamless Communication Redefined

An innovative approach to messaging, re-architectured with Next.js, React.js, TypeScript, and Prisma for a seamless and intuitive communication experience.

Spotify Clone

Web Project

Next-Gen Music Soundscape

A full-fledged Spotify Clone demonstrating the power of modern web technologies. Experience a sleek and dynamic user interface, robust backend functionality, and a seamless payment system, all built from scratch.

Allan was great to work with! He is professional and listens to your needs. He is patient and seems to make his best effort to ensure your expectations are met. He takes his time to ensure there is a quality experience and product fulfillment.

~ kaizen2023